QADBROS to represent CUKUROVA KIMYA as their sole distributor for Pakistan
QADBROS has recently signed an agreement with Turkish foundry chemical manufacturing company, CUKUROVA KIMYA, which manufactures foundry chemicals, auxiliaries and refractory materials. With this agreement, QADBROS will now represent CUKUROVA KIMYA as their sole distributor in Pakistan.
This is a proud moment for the Qadri Group as this agreement will open new doors for foundry advancement and development in Pakistan. Foundry chemicals are a vital need for all foundries but it was very hard for small and medium foundries to get access to high quality foundry chemicals earlier. This agreement will enable all small, medium and large foundries in Pakistan to easily purchase high quality foundry chemicals at competitive prices without having to go through long procurement processes.
QADBROS would like to thank the management of CUKUROVA KIMYA for their trust and choosing us to represent them in Pakistan. This will further strengthen our ties with the company and help promote bilateral trade ties between Turkey and Pakistan as well.